This is an old picture of Rise. I'll try to update it soon. Rise has a lovely udder, but doesn't have quite the dairy character I'm looking for. While she is for sale, she has developed the skin cancer that killed her mother. Our high altitude and desert sun make this very common in any goat with white in the tail area. Rise will probably stay at Spiritwind. She had triplets this year. Two does and a buck. I will keep one doe. The other, and the buck/wether will be for sale. The buck is pictured below. I'll post the doe as soon as I decide which I'll keep. Both are lovely.
Flat Rocks Flash
Flat Rocks Champion Design
Willows Scandal
Spiritwind Sunrise
Piddlin Acres Spirit of Texas
Spiritwind Sun Spot *D
Ohlone's Token's Tidbit